Kelsey Jean

Yes, our new little girl - Kelsey Jean - finally joined our family. I know it has taken me awhile to post this (she is exactly a week old), but I was having some technical difficulties with my computer. Anyway, Kelsey was born July 5, 2008 at 11:06 in the morning. She weighed 8lbs 110z (an excuse for why I was so huge!) and is a very sweet baby. Her sisters have been great with her, and we are all adjusting very well to our new addition.

This is Kelsey under the warmer in the nursery - she had a hard time keeping her temperature up at first.

Mary, Brynn, and Lucy trying to hold Kelsey all together. This is as we are trying to leave the hospital.

Here is Kelsey being held by Grandma Linda right after her first bath - notice she has already spit up on her outfit - she is quite spitty!