I am up in Utah AGAIN (surprised?...probably not!) while Aaron is off in Alaska fishing and I absolutely love it here! I would move to good old Springville, UT in a heartbeat IF I could bring my fabulous friends along! Ever since I was about 5 I have told my mom I was going to live in Springville when I grew up with all my cousins! I love that is like a small town, BUT you have every store you would ever want within 15-30 minutes! I love summer time, especially here for the following reasons...
Just yesterday I saw my kids:
*pick fresh raspberries right off the bush in the backyard and chow down
*go to Jared's farm/ work and witness the birth of a baby cow with my kids (so gross but pretty cool!) Sienna has been acting like a "Farmer" with the dogs now telling me they have baby cows in their tummy and trying to pat them like Jared was....so funny! poor Babs and Sophie...
*go to my cousin Victoria's baseball game and sit in the grass with a slight cool breeze
*watch my little girl roll down a hill of grass for the first time and giggle as she did it over and over
*watch Sienna use the slip n' slide and love it
*watch my kids ride their scooter in the FRONT yard
*go on a walk in the morning and not sweat to death and see all the gorgeous flowers!
Anyways- the list goes on and on but I love summer time! Even in Vegas we swim, swim, and swim some more, have yummy BBQ's, and hang out with our friends on the warm summer nights! I just love it.
I don't have my camera cord so no pics but I just wanted to write some fun things I have witnessed as my kids are getting a little older, and get to enjoy summer as a kid like I did! I almost got down and rolled down the hill of grass myself! If only we knew how easy life was when we were little!!