I'm grateful this day is over...

It's a good thing I love this little boy to death because....
Last night at about 1 am Aaron went into Austin's room and found throw up all over the place. Needless to say the flu has hit our house hard and not much sleep happened last night. We were supposed to be heading to Beaver today to have so much fun with the family, but instead we will be staying here and getting our own little Mimi's Cafe turkey dinner! This morning while Austin was in the the tub with Sienna, the poor thing got diarhea which then made Sienna start gagging. It is pretty funny to think about but was NOT at the time! So needless to say, 12 laundry loads later, a bottle of clorox wipes, some clorox bathroom spray, and a bottle of febreeze air freshener later I think we are on our road to recovery. So I am thankful this day is over! The joys of motherhood..
In all honesty I really am so grateful for all I have and am blessed with.
Today Austin was extra cuddly which was a nice change. Hopefully we can make it up to see the family on Friday. I have a New Moon ticket that I will be in attendance too in St. George with the girls even if the rest of my family can't make the drive with me! To bed I go!
I hope everyone has a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!