This is what I get when I tell them to say cheese!! Hilarious! We are off to Utah tomorrow morning to be with my family. (After this we will be staying HOME for the holidays!!) Such a pain! We hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas & a Happy New Year!!
Sienna's Christmas Program
Last week Sienna had her Joy School Christmas Program. It was really cute! We had dinner with the families and then the girls acted out the Nativity and sang their songs for us. Sienna loves going to school and I must say I love her going to!!=) The girls all did a wonderful job! They also went and sang at an old folks home and the ladies LOVED it! Sienna is SUCH a performer and I won't be surprised if she isn't the star of some play some day or up singing somewhere!

NFR 2009
Every year Aaron's parents take us to the National Finals Rodeo here in town. It really is so much fun! This year we decided to take the kids! They loved it! (I am not sure I will take them again because I didn't get to focus as much but that's okay!) We had so much fun hanging out with the family at dinner and then going to the rodeo! Notice Sienna's outfit.. she insisted on wearing her zebra sweater and pink tutu skirt! HAHA! I love that little girl!!

It's Always an Adventure Around Here!!
We have had quite the excitement around our house- let me tell you. It all happened last weekend. (As in the weekend before this one!) Exhibit A- Sienna's beautiful curly hair that we could FINALLY put in a ponytail with no clip to hold her bangs back.

Onto the next night.. Sienna is "brushing her hair all by herself" in the bathroom while I am getting ready for bed so we can all cuddle and watch a Christmas movie. I go into the bathroom and find Sienna chopping away at her hair. Needless to say, I freaked out and then she realized what happened and was freaking out herself....

LUCKILY Katie is one of my very best friends AND a hair dresser so who do you think I called on a Saturday night? We went right over and Sienna got it all cut off so it can slowly even out. She cut pretty much ear to ear in all different lengths.

So we are getting used to it. We have to actually blowdry & flat iron it for it to look decent. I have never had to spend more than 3 minutes on her hair with all her curls that she chopped off!
These pictures were taken before our Ward Christmas Party. I had to take the kids myself because Aaron was at school, but it was still fun! Austin wouldn't get near Santa! He loves to look at "Claus" from afar but not up close!

And last but not least. Sienna WILL NOT sit at her little table, OR at our big table to eat her dinner. She sits, nibbles, and then gets up to go do whatever it is Sienna needs to do. SO Aaron kept warning her to stay sitting or she was getting taped to the chair. She just kept getting up to go play or do whatever so this is what happened...

Yes- Aaron duct taped her to the chair. We will see if ir fixes the problem. Sienna is just one of those kids who tests you to NO END and we will probably be reliving this again in a few days!!
It's a good thing I love these two because it is always an adventure around here!!

Thanksgiving 2009
I know I am a slacker but things have been so crazy and I just haven't felt like blogging. So for my own journal sakes this is what our Thanksgiving looked like..

Oh yes it was a fun one! Austin had the flu Wednesday, Sienna woke up with it Thursday morning. Threw up ALL day every 30 minutes. I got it Thursday mid- morning and did not move off the couch. THANK HEAVENS Aaron didn't have it yet because he took care of all of us. He ate his Mimi's Cafe turkey dinner to go all by himself because none of us could even look at it. ha! Aaron got it Saturday but not nearly as bad as us. Needless to say, we didn't leave our house all weekend and just layed on the couch dying. =) We are all fully recovered now and I did our own family Thanksgiving Sunday night with stuff I made, and the leftovers my grandma Albright brought over for us. (bless her heart!) We made sure to do lots of fun stuff this last week as a family like gingerbread houses, decorate, and head to the Bellagio flower gardens (which by the way, were not done being decorated for Christmas!). We still had fun and hope for a better time next year! Aaron starts school again this week so here we go again with not seeing him much!!
The things I am grateful for:
my kids
all our extended family
our mom & dads
our friends, especially my girls
girls night out
a roof over my head
aaron's job
yummy food
diet coke
naptime for my kids
hot chocolate
and lots more but those are my top ones for now!!
I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving!

Oh yes it was a fun one! Austin had the flu Wednesday, Sienna woke up with it Thursday morning. Threw up ALL day every 30 minutes. I got it Thursday mid- morning and did not move off the couch. THANK HEAVENS Aaron didn't have it yet because he took care of all of us. He ate his Mimi's Cafe turkey dinner to go all by himself because none of us could even look at it. ha! Aaron got it Saturday but not nearly as bad as us. Needless to say, we didn't leave our house all weekend and just layed on the couch dying. =) We are all fully recovered now and I did our own family Thanksgiving Sunday night with stuff I made, and the leftovers my grandma Albright brought over for us. (bless her heart!) We made sure to do lots of fun stuff this last week as a family like gingerbread houses, decorate, and head to the Bellagio flower gardens (which by the way, were not done being decorated for Christmas!). We still had fun and hope for a better time next year! Aaron starts school again this week so here we go again with not seeing him much!!
The things I am grateful for:
my kids
all our extended family
our mom & dads
our friends, especially my girls
girls night out
a roof over my head
aaron's job
yummy food
diet coke
naptime for my kids
hot chocolate
and lots more but those are my top ones for now!!
I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving!
I'm grateful this day is over...
It's a good thing I love this little boy to death because....

Last night at about 1 am Aaron went into Austin's room and found throw up all over the place. Needless to say the flu has hit our house hard and not much sleep happened last night. We were supposed to be heading to Beaver today to have so much fun with the family, but instead we will be staying here and getting our own little Mimi's Cafe turkey dinner! This morning while Austin was in the the tub with Sienna, the poor thing got diarhea which then made Sienna start gagging. It is pretty funny to think about but was NOT at the time! So needless to say, 12 laundry loads later, a bottle of clorox wipes, some clorox bathroom spray, and a bottle of febreeze air freshener later I think we are on our road to recovery. So I am thankful this day is over! The joys of motherhood..
In all honesty I really am so grateful for all I have and am blessed with.
Today Austin was extra cuddly which was a nice change. Hopefully we can make it up to see the family on Friday. I have a New Moon ticket that I will be in attendance too in St. George with the girls even if the rest of my family can't make the drive with me! To bed I go!
I hope everyone has a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
Halloween 2009

Little June Bug!
We went to Utah last weekend to meet the first and only cousin for my kids on MY side! June Elizabeth was born on October 23 at 1 am or so weighing in at 7 lbs 2 oz. and 20.5 inches long! She is absolutely darling! We have been waiting for Baby J for awhile now! Austin got sick while we were up there so we didn't get to see her near enough! I was so excited to hold a new little baby that I didn't have to a)go through delivery and b) take care of 24/7! haha Both Sienna and Austin held her and mauled her to death already!! Now if Sienna would quit asking me if we can have another baby things would be good!! She honestly talks about her sister "baby ella" ALL the time and today said she would even be okay with a sweet little brother! She cracks me up! We love you little June Bug and hope your cousins don't bug you TOO much!

Pumpkins, Pumpkins Everywhere!!
I have been so busy lately, no time for blogging! I am so behind! I will start with the beginning and middle of October! We went to a pumpkin patch up in Mapleton, UT with my parents where the kids got to pick out their own pumpkin and cut it right off the vine! Cool crisp air and fall leaves is heaven to me!!

Do I have the best parents or what?? They always make a point to go do little activities like picking pumpkins with my kids!

Isn't Vegas so beautiful? HA!

I still have lots to catch up on but for now this is all I can manage! My 5:30 am spin class will miss me if I don't get to bed now!

In the middle of October we went to Gilcrease Orchards with the Hardys in the 90 degree desert! It was still fun and the pumpkins were just sitting everywhere on the ground- no vines attached! Oh well- it was still fun and you can't beat their apple cider! Either way I think October is my favorite month of the year!

I still have lots to catch up on but for now this is all I can manage! My 5:30 am spin class will miss me if I don't get to bed now!
Albright Love!

This is a picture of most of the girl cousins, aunts, and some of our kids now on the Albright side that was taken at my cousin Amy's bridal shower! I just love each and every one of these girls (and the few Albright ladies missing)! I am SO glad to call them my family! We all have grown up living with in 10 minutes of each other, and even though some of them have moved away we still stay close! I love you girls! I am so blessed to be super close with all of my family on both my mom and dads sides, but I have especially loved growing up with all these ladies and that almost all my cousins are pretty close in age with me! We all went to the same schools and now have kids around the same ages so they can play together!
Thanks Megan for the picture! (I stole it off your facebook!)
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